Monday, September 15, 2008

3. Questioning, Due Thursday

Step 1- Read all the comments from the previous assignment.

Step 2- Choose one comment which is thoughtful.

Step 3-

First, paraphrase the comment you are responding to: For example: “Mr. Baalbaki thinks that…”

Then, write a question about the chosen comment. The question must be: clear, sincere, useful and be the sort of question which leads to more questions. The question you write must complicate the comment’s argument, make the reader of the comment you are questioning think deeper. Stir up some intellectual trouble.


vlad shknevskiy said...

Emily thinks that Obama is going to donate 1 billion dollars to groups that will help people learn about the succession of jobs. Where is Obama going to get the money?

Jocelyn Chiu said...

Justin Francis states that Obama has many powerpoints and colorful posters hung in Washington. But if these poster are in Washington, how are they going to affect the Governor in Iraq? And for the powerpoints presentations, how is Obama going to show it to the Govornor of Iraq? I don't think that the Govornor of Iraq is willing to let us throught into their border after what we've done to there country.

Justin Martinelli said...

Vlad Shknevskiy thinks that Senator John McCain will make more small businesses so that other people have a chance. What will smaller buisnesses do so that people have a chance? What kind of buisnesses will McCain make?

Kimberly Jerome said...

Vlad Shknevskiy stated that "Senator John McCain will make more small buisnesses so that othe people could have a chance." Should this really be the time for people to be taking chances...?And where is John McCain going to get this money for new small businesses after Lehmann Brother we bankrupt.Are these small businesses going to aid the communities in which they are in? I don't think thatJohn McCain is ready to be president.

Genna L. said...

Justin Francis agrees with Obama’s opinions on the war in Iraq. They both want the war to end. They both think that the war has cost too much money and too many lives. My question for him is as follows: If America does pull out of the war, don’t you think that it will slow down the process of pumping and shipping oil from Iraq? If this is true, the price of Iraq’s oil could go up. If it does, we will still be spending money in Iraq but the purpose of the spending will change. Instead of spending the money on the war in Iraq, we will be spending the money on more expensive oil.

Emily Lau said...

Adam states that obama will help stop the war in Iraq. If he stops the war in Iraq, obama will give the money that was used for hate war to textbooks and schools, scientific explorations, etc. If obama really will stop the war, won't it take more money to take the soldiers back to their original location?

Tiffany Gong said...

Emily states that Obama is going to donate money to many foundations to help people get jobs. For example, Emily says that Obama is going to give $500 dollars of tax credit to Americans that make low and middle income from their jobs and he is going to help people in prison learn how to get a job and also many other things. Many people don't do what they say. How do you know for sure that Obama is going to do as he said? Even if he did, where is Obama going to get the money for the donations?

Anna Kapitman said...

Joseph Bocchino states that “Hillary and Barrack both promised lower gas prices in ads”, what did you mean by that? Did they keep their promise?

Anna Kapitman said...

Joseph Bocchino states that “Hillary and Barrack both promised lower gas prices in ads”, what did you mean by that? Did they keep their promise?

Anna Kapitman said...
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Mohamed Elsaid said...

Joseph Bocchino stated that as part of the energy plan, in 2012 ten percent of our electricity will have been reusable and by 2025 twenty five percent would have been from renewable sources. My questions are what would be the renewable sources that would help the electricity use to be renewable? And also what do you think the steps that Obama would take to achieve this energy plan. In addition do you think that we would need help from other countries, and if so would that cause us to spend more money?

Andrea Fungueirino said...

As stated in Mansi Maini´s comment Senator Obama said “We must act now with the rest of the world to curb emissions...” My point is that for such an urgent issue he is setting a very long dateline, 2020. Shouldn’t he establish a shorter dateline to carry out this program?
He also said “businesses would be required to buy allowances to pollute…” Does he mean that powerful companies could buy higher allowances and therefore receive more incentives than a less-powerful company? Wouldn’t this put less-powerful businesses in danger by facing fines and even losing employees? What if the company does not follow the allowed emissions? Could this affect their business?

Jennifer L. said...

Jocelyn, why can't John McCain be both a supporter of nuclear power and solar power?

Tommy_Barwick said...

Jocelyn Chiu stated that Senator Barack Obama passed two of the three of his federal laws in Illinois only. Why do you think Obama did this?

Ilda Katana said...

Vlad Shknevskiy said that John McCain is going to cut the tax rate up to 25%. How are you so sure that thats going to happen because he didnt prove anything to us. For example, Senator Obama said that he was going to donate a billion dollars to groups that will help people learn about the succession of the jobs. Obama has already donated a lot of money to many charieties so that proves to all the American citizen thats hes capible to help many people and is willing to donate as much money as he can. Vlad you also said that he wants to raise the price of the dollar so that means if he was to raise the price he would have to raise the price in the foods we buy and many other things, so thats really not helping people.

Mánsi said...

As stated in Andrea Fungueirino's comment Senator Obama's is making a plan for ending poverty. A part of his so called "plan" includes that he will be investing one billion dollars over five years in career programs; that can help low- income Americans succeed in finding jobs. First of all where will Obama get one billion dollars? If you think logically there is a very slim chance that he will; because at the same time he will be taking troops out of Iraq or at-least thats what he states. As you stated in your response Obama will be taking this issue very seriously so of course he would get started as soon as he is president. But back to the the War in Iraq he will be also taking decisions on that issue at the same time and the war in Iraq will take money to either continue or discontinue. If the war discontinues the money will be used to take troops out. Next, As you stated in your response that Senator Obama's intention is to raise the minimum wage progressively to get $9.50 an hour by the year 2011. The employee's wage all depends on how much the employer wants to pay; although the employer does have to pay minimum hourly wage that the state has decided. But that all varies from state to state each state has a different minimum wage. There is no fixed minimum wage across the "entire" country. Finally; as you have written in your previous response that Senator Barrack Obama has promised to create 20 neighborhoods for the poor in areas that have high levels of poverty and crime and low levels of student academic achievement. Are you forgetting that many of these type of neighborhoods exist today even in Brooklyn itself; and have they made any improvements?

victor yu said...
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victor yu said...

Anna says that all children must have health insurance but the problem is that what if that child's parents don't have money and their poor? What will Obama do about that?

Jocelyn Chiu said...

Response from Gezim

Emily said that Obama was gonna support people who learn about succession of jobs and give a billion dollars to that party. Emily where would Obama get that money and would it affect our economy?

eric baron said...

Kimberley said that Obama said that anyone caught in the country illegally will be entitled to a citizen ship or a Residency. So you’re saying that random people all over the world could get caught being illegally in the U.S. and still get a citizenship? That is not right. Who knows what they can do.

Anonymous said...

Emily thinks that Obama will give jobs to the parents that have 3 children or more. How is he going to do that? There are probably millions of people out there with three kids or more needing a job, but not as much jobs for all of them. And even if there are plenty of jobs, what if they don't have the skills to do it?

Joseph Bocchino said...

Justin Francis said John Mcain will bring our troops home. If senator John Mcain brings our troops home it would be a good deal for us. What about the thousands of people in Iraq that can be killed by terrerists? Car bombs, suicide bombers; who will protect all of the innocent men, woman and children?

Viki M. said...

Genna L. In your response you exactly stated: “This means that the better a teacher teaches, the more they get paid. He thinks this will improve teachers’ quality of work.” I would have to question that part. What would Obama do if this plan doesn’t work? And how could he know if the teachers aren’t using a harsh way to force the students to do better? I mean he can’t keep an eye on every single teacher.....

Jennifer L. said...
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Jennifer L. said...

Jocelyn Chiu stated that McCain made his t.v. commercial look like he was a major supporter of solar energy, but because he is a major supporter of nuclear energy, not many people believe that McCain supports solar energy. My question is why John McCain cannot be a supporter of both and what is so bad about nuclear energy.
Nuclear energy is more difficult to handle than coal, but it doesn’t let out potentially harmful gases such as carbon dioxide. It is not as harmless as solar energy, but why is it so bad? You can find this information about nuclear energy at

Justin Francis said...

In Response to Jocelyn Chiu
I believe I said that war veterans were armed with these posters and even though Iraq and us aren't best friends, our bonds are strengthening.
In Response to Joseph Bocchino
Barack Obama proposed a plan in 2004 that would pull troops out of Iraq, but leave Military Sargeants to train the Iraqi forces to handle terrorists.
In Response to Genna
While it may be true that we will spend money on gas, it's a lot better than spending money on a war that costs us 3 billion dollars a day. Even so this price of petroleum is rapidly plunging and that has to affect Iraqi oil. Also we have other Middle eastern friends such as Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates

Joshua Mendes said...

Justin Francis agrees with Obama’s opinions on the war in Iraq. But what if our troops lose? We would not have any troops left to fight what if they come to America and plan a powerful assault on New York and then what can we do about it ? I just wanted you to think about it before you rush to conclusions.

Mark Zubok said...

Joseph Bocchino stated that as part of the energy plan, in 2012 ten percent of our electricity will have been reusable and by 2025 twenty five percent would have been from renewable sources. What would be the renewable sources that would help the electricity used to be renewable? And also what do you think the steps that Obama would take to achieve this energy plan.