Wednesday, September 3, 2008

2. Presidential Election 2008: Misleading Facts & Vague Opinions Due: Sep. 12th

Candidates use facts selectively and at times misleadingly in print and TV ads. Just before the Iowa caucus, Barack Obama's campaign ran an ad quoting the Washington Post as declaring that Obama's health plan would save families $2,500. The ad asserted that "experts" say his plan is "the best" and "guarantees coverage for all Americans."

FactCheck pointed out that the Post was citing an Obama campaign statement about saving families money and did not analyze it independently. The "experts" were the editorial writers at the Iowa City Press-Citizen. The guarantee of "coverage for all Americans" was asserted in the St. Paul Pioneer Press and, like the ad, omitted mention that while the Clinton and Edwards health plans require coverage for all Americans, the Obama plan allows individuals to buy into coverage if they want to. (

This examples demonstrate, among other things, that a factual statement can be accurate--if cherry-picked--but may come from a tree of sour cherries.

Presidential candidates must answer many questions daily. Usually, and even in debates, they don't have enough time to discuss them in detail--assuming they could if they had the time. One result is a swift recitation of unsupported opinions from "talking points"--that is, a collection of brief statements of views on many issues they know they will be asked about. Because some of these issues are complicated, candidates often make fuzzy utterances.

In developing your own opinion about a candidate's remark, consider its factuality. Several websites offer help. FactCheck Org describes itself as "a nonpartisan, nonprofit 'consumer advocate' for voters that aims to reduce the level of deception and confusion in U.S. politics. We monitor the factual accuracy of what is said by major U.S. political players in the form of TV ads, debates, speeches, interviews, and news releases." The website is a project of the Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania

Other, similar efforts include a project of the St. Petersburg Times and the Congressional Quarterly ( and a Washington Post blog ( All three sites are updated regularly.

Consider also the candidates' opinions. How clearly does a candidate state his or her opinion? Is the opinion supported with facts-at least on the candidate's websites, if not in brief public remarks? Does the candidate present facts selectively, omitting those that are inconvenient?


Select a presidential campaign issue of particular interest to you, investigate how, in terms of factual and opinion statements, one candidate discusses this issue, and susenctly post your findings. I suggest you use one of the resources for young voters on my web site. Young Voters (


Justin Martinelli said...

A presidential campaign issue of particular that interests to me is the wounded troups that suffer from the war in Iraq. The Walter Reed scandal showed that we don't always provide returning service members with the care they deserve in return for fighting in a war for our country. Here is a part of an article called "Soldiers Face Neglect, Frustration At Army's Top Medical Facility" by Dana Priest and Anne Hull from the Washington Post "The common perception of Walter Reed is of a surgical hospital that shines as the crown jewel of military medicine. But 5 1/2 years of sustained combat have transformed the venerable 113-acre institution into something else entirely -- a holding ground for physically and psychologically damaged outpatients. Almost 700 of them -- the majority soldiers, with some Marines -- have been released from hospital beds but still need treatment or are awaiting bureaucratic decisions before being discharged or returned to active duty."
I have chosen as my candidate Barak Obama. One of Obama's first acts will be reversing the 2003 ban on enrolling modest-income veterans, which has denied care to a million veterans. Obama will make the VA a leader of national health care reform so that veterans get the best care possible. He will improve care for polytrauma vision impairment, prosthetics, spinal cord injury, aging, and women's health.

Jocelyn Chiu said...

Response from Jennifer Lauv -
Obama on Global Warming

Barack Obama had a firm energy plan for the future. His plan will help create five million new jobs. It will ensure that 10 percent of our electricity comes from renewable sources by 2012, and 25 percent by 2025 and hopefully within 10 years save more oil than we currently import from the Middle East and Venezuela combined. It will make America a leader of climate change. What it doesn't bring, however, is gas price relief. Barack Obama's plan does not include lowering gas prices. Both he and Clinton mislead people with ads stating prices would be lowered when he becomes president.

Justin Francis said...

Bring Our Troops Home!!!
The candidates of this year's historical and crucial presidential race have different views on a lot of issues. These include offshore drilling ,taxes and the war in Iraq. John Mcain believes that we should finish what we started and continue to keep our troops in Iraq. Barack Obama believes that we should pull our troops out and let Iraq's government handle the rest. Americans are fed up with this war, and want our troops home. Frankly, so do I. "The American people have been asked to be patient too many times, too many lives have been lost and too many billions have been spent," Obama said. "It's time for a policy that can bring a responsible end to this war and bring our troops home." Many war veterans agree with this. They are "armed with Powerpoint presentations and colorful posters"in Washington.This plan that Senator Obama speaks of is the Iraq war de-escalation act. This plan made in 2007 was supposed to bring our troops home. Obviosly the deadlines for troop removal are long gone in this act, but if Senator Obama is elected, he can make new deadlines. Only a few brigades would have to stay behind as basic protection. They would also train Iraqis, so that they can take on this task of fighting terrorism. Then our proud soldiers can return home.If Senator Obama is elected this war will become a part of history and thanks to that plan it will stay a part of history. Americans will no longer have to mourn for their lost ones, go to bed scared, or worry about fellow citizens lives. Senator Obama will heal the wounds done to America by this war. He speaks of this issue as if he is sure it will happen. I don't think this is just another blind promise or "white lie" that false polititions so heavily rely on. This war can be over or this war can go on, but either way, it will change the way of American history. For better or for worse.

Genna L. said...

Obama supports education. He states in his speech from St. Paul, Minnesota that “the chance to get a college education should not be a privilege for the few, but a birthright of every American.” Obama also believes in merit pay for teachers. This means that the better a teacher teaches, the more they get paid. He thinks this will improve teachers’ quality of work. Obama is opposed to having education vouchers. An education voucher is a certificate issued by the government that states that parents can choose to send their kids to either public or private schools. He thinks this will weaken public schools. In the Illinois state Senate, he helped to create the state’s Early Learning council. He also helped to pass a bill in the U.S. Senate to increase the maximum amount of a Pell Grant award to $5,100.A Pell Grant is a college scholarship to help qualified students who need money. In closing, there are many facts and opinions that Obama has stated about education.

Anna Kapitman said...

A presidential campaign of particular interest to me is health care. I have chosen Senator Barack Obama as my candidate. The article Barack Obama Candidate Platform can be found on: This factual article states that Barack Obama pledges to contribute to many things related to health care. For example, he focuses on a new and an effective national health program that covers the nation without insurance. In this plan, he promises that he will guarantee eligibility, offer affordable premiums, co-pays, deductibles, and will allow new employees to keep their insurance coverage when they change to a different job. In addition, Obama introduced an idea that all children have to have health insurance. Also, he states to expand the qualified Medicaid and the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP). This candidate says that the businesses that do not provide insurance to their employees would now have the rule of basing the insurance on the percentage from their paycheck. After that, he would also make health plans a necessity for reimbursement (a payback of money) of a catastrophe (example- hurricane, tornado, etc.) attack. In this dangerous case, Obama says to provide savings that would be needed to payback employee premiums. Lastly, Obama pledges to support disease prevention programs, cost of transportation, and to reform medical malpractice insurance.

Andrea Fungueirino said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mánsi said...

A presidential campaign issue that interests me is Energy and Environment change; in other words Global Warming. Global Warming is an upcoming threat to all of us. We have to act now before there's nothing we can do. Lets see what our presidential candidate Senator Barack Obama is saying about Energy and Environment change(Global Warming). Senator Barrack Obama is stating "We now know without a doubt that global warming is threatening us with higher temperatures, more drought, more wildfire, more flooding, and more erosion of our coastal communities. People who don't believe this can yell about it as loudly as they want, but it doesn't change the fact that the overwhelming scientific evidence and even the administration's own State Department have proven this over and over again. We must act now with the rest of the world to curb emissions so that we can leave our children a safer, healthier planet.". What will Obama do about all this he is saying? What will be his step of action? Senator Barack Obama presented a plan on Monday to decrease the nation’s dependence on foreign oil and fight global warming by creating an auction system requiring power companies and other industries to pay for their pollution. By the year 2020, he said, emissions would be reduced to levels from 1990. Senator obama wants to impose a national cap on carbon emissions, investing $150 billion over 10 years to develop new energy sources and reducing dependence on foreign oil by 35 percent by 2030.“No business will be allowed to emit any greenhouse gases for free,” Mr. Obama said in Portsmouth, N.H. “Businesses don’t own the sky, the public does, and if we want them to stop polluting it, we have to put a price on all pollution.” While we are talking about Global Warming Economy comes in to play Senator Obama proposed instituting a mandatory “cap and trade” program across the economy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to the level recommended by top scientists.Under his plan, businesses would be required to buy allowances to pollute, which would create financial incentives to limit energy use or reduce emissions.

Jocelyn Chiu said...

Response from Gezim
Here is the truth: fighting a war without end will not force the Iraqis to take responsibility for their own future. And fighting in a war without end will not make the American people safer. So when I am Commander-in-Chief, I will set a new goal on day one: I will end this war. Not because politics compels it. Not because our troops cannot bear the burden- as heavy as it is. But because it is the right thing to do for our national security, and it will ultimately make us safer".Barrack Obama said during a meeting he does support the war and will want to end it.So he does say that he wants to end the war and me Gezim Hakramaj am 100% agreeing with him.This war is ridiculous and it should be stopped. There is no point in this war and we should just negotiate with our enemy and start making them our ally. One thing Barrack Obama is not saying is that Iraq might turn on us again then the war will continue. So he has to decide wisely on which is better for America.

Jocelyn Chiu said...

This year, John McCain and Barack Obama have many ideas for changes of taxes, and ways to increase the use of solar power to help decrease global warming. An ad from Obama about cutting taxes, and helping the wounded troops who were neglected, here’s the problem. Two of the three bills Obama mentioned were passed in the Illinois Legislator. So if you were not Illinois residents, you are not going to benefit from either bill. On one of the two bills, Obama was one of the five original sponsors. On the second bill, he was one of the other thirty-five co-sponsors. On the third federal bill, involving health care for the troops, Obama was neither a sponsor nor a co-sponsor, but some of his elements from his old proposals landed on the bill. John McCain made a television commercial; he made it look like he fully supported using solar power. But this assumption is wrong. McCain is a strong supporter of nuclear power. Being a strong supporter of nuclear power, many people has doubted the idea of McCain being a supporter in solar power.

Jocelyn Chiu said...

respose from Niara
Obama has an idea of making the streets in the United States safer for us. He feels that cities and states should determine gun laws. He also says that gun manufacturers should limit customers to one gun per month and he also says that the state should have some common sense when giving out gun licenses. Obama has also banned possession of handguns without licenses in the state of Illinois and he is going to try to make that law in all of the other 49 states. He voted no on prohibiting lawsuits against gun manufacturers. He says it is okay for retired police officers to have their guns, but only if they are concealed. He also feels that we should ban semi-automatics, and we should more gun restrictions. Bush erred in failing to renew assault weapons ban so now Obama feels it is his duty to do so.

Jocelyn Chiu said...

response from Jason
McCain and obama said they would cut taxes. Obama said he would cut taxes for 95% of working families. Obama also said McCain said he would not give a tax cut to 100 million families. The Tax Policy Center(TPC) said Obama will not cut 95% of taxes but only 81.3%. The TPC also says McCain is not leaving 100 million families out of the tax cut only 65.8 million. McCain will make a bigger change to the taxes then obama would. Obamas tax change will help some families but most will suffer including the citizens over 65. 32% of them will face a tax increase!!! not a decrease.

Anonymous said...

As you know, there are many events that happened over time about the Women’s Rights Movement. And now, women have rights but just not enough. So Barack Obama is making a change. In November 10, 2005 Barack Obama made a speech in Washington D.C. about women. "From the first moment a woman dared to speak that hope - dared to believe that the American Dream was meant for her too - ordinary women have taken on extraordinary odds to give their daughters the chance for something else; for a life more equal, more free, and filled with more opportunity than they ever had. In so many ways we have succeeded, but in so many areas we have much work left to do.” ~ Barack Obama, Speech in Washington, DC, 11/10/05.
One change is the economic issue between women. Did you know that women make only 77 cents for every dollar a man makes? Obama believes the government needs to take steps to strengthen enforcement of the Equal Pay Act and fight job discrimination.
Another change is women’s healthcare. As you can see ovarian cancer is the fourth-leading cause of cancer-related death among women in the United States. Because of the lack of proven screening tests, ovarian cancer also has the highest mortality of all cancers of the female reproductive system. Obama has also supported efforts to combat breast cancer, another leading cause of death among women. He helped pass legislation to expand insurance coverage for mammograms.
One more change Obama will make about women’s rights is education. Many women in the U.S. don’t have proper education. Obama supports eliminating gender discrimination in American schools. Obama will fight to make sure women have equal opportunities and access from pre-kindergarten through graduate school.
So as you can see, this issue is exceptionally important to us women. Our rights should be just as good as men. The change Barack Obama is making could be one out of many extraordinary changes he’ll make.

victor yu said...

A presidental campaign that interests me is the money wasted and the people killed caused from the of Iraq. Because of this, senator Obama wants to stop this war. If he was to be elected for the doing in Iraq, the troops wouldn't be killed anymore and money wouldn't be wasted anymore. He states that he is going to set a new mission for the air forces and his troop removal will only take 1-2 months. After that ,all the troops will be safe,which leads to no more money wasted, and the war will also end. At this rate it will be an win-win for everyone.

Tiffany Gong said...

For the past eight years, President Bush had promised many things, but he did not do them. Instead, he sent many troops to Iraq. Many people say that "President Bush did not do as he promised. He sent many troops to Iraq." It's time for change! Barack Obama is the perfect candidate for president. Not only did he go to Harvard University for law, but he also studied civil rights before serving as an Illinois Senate. Therefore, he is already familiar to rights that we, American citizens should have. He was elected senate with 70% of the votes in 2004. Today, he seeks to become the president of the United States of America. He promises to promote universal health care as his top priorities. On May 29, 2007 Obama makes a speech in Iowa City in Iowa. Obama says "We now face an opportunity — and an obligation — to turn the page on the failed politics of yesterday's health care debates… My plan begins by covering every American." He plans to make sure that everyone has the health insurance they need. If you already have a health insurance, he plans to decrease the expenses on premiums. If you don't have a health insurance, he plans getting everyone health insurance when his plan becomes a law. "No one will be turned away because of a preexisting condition or illness." Lead poisoning is a very common illness. It can lead to brain damage, learning disabilities, bad behavior, and, at very high levels, seizures, coma and death. As president, Obama will protect children from lead poisoning by requiring child care facilities to be lead safe for five years. Obama is willing to use 75 percent of the total health care dollars on the patients who have heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes. These are some of the things he is going to do if he is elected president. In the past Obama had helped many people that needed medical use. In 2003, Barack Obama sponsored and passed legislation that expanded health care coverage to 70,000 kids and 84,000 adults. Obama worked to pass a number of laws in Illinois and Washington to improve the health of women. Obama also created a task force on cervical cancer for women. If he helped people in the past with medical issues and expanded health care coverage to kids and adults in the past, why wouldn't he do the same for the future?

Yaneev Hirsh said...

A presidential issue that is very important to me is affordable colleges. The best colleges all around the world cost from a range of twenty-five thousand dollars a year to forty-five thousand colleges year. Which limits the ability to pursue a career with much needed experience. Having Harvard or Yale on your résumé really helps. Especially if your goal in life is to become an experienced and successful lawyer. Senator Obama has voted to make Colleges affordable to everyone. He has worked hard to create a bill that gives 4 thousand dollars to a student per year for college tuition in exchange for community work. While John McCain voted against this bill a recorded five times. He even chose to increase tax cuts for the wealthy instead of using the funds to increase the Pell Grant awards. The Pell Grant awards are given to families in need in order to give them the ability to go to a college. This award can range from four thousand dollars to five thousand-five hundred dollars, a truly useful award indeed. In this case, you might have realized that the candidate I would chose for this issue is Senator Obama. I only hope that he will truly stick to this issue and follow through with this all the way if he is elected president.

Ilda Katana said...

For the November elections, I want Senator Barak Obama to win because of many reasons. One reason that came to my interest was how the life of women all over the world is going to change. Are their conditions going to become better? Barak Obama has said that he wants all women to have hope. He wants their dreams to come true. He wants to let them give their daughters a better chance in life, and most of all he wants them to be free! Today, in the United States, more than 19 million women are unable to get health care because of the high costs. A big percentage of women today are diagnosed with AIDS. HIV is a leading cause for women’s death. 7,000 women around the world are diagnosed with HIV everyday. Heart Disease has killed about 39 percent of all female deaths. Women that get a heart attack are less likely than men to get treatment. Women that go through depression have a chance of getting a heart attack. A lot of women get heart attacks but very few of them are able to pay health care, the rest can’t afford health care. Another disease that women are most likely to get is cancer. Ovarian cancer has the highest mortality in the female reproductive system. Another leading cause of death is breast cancer. Barak Obama has made a plan to cut health care costs to 10 percent and more. He wants to encourage women to fight against AIDS as well as introduce a Microbicide Development Act. Obama would create community programs so women can access health care.

Kimberly Jerome said...

Immigration is an exceedingly close issue to my heart, because my parents were immigrants and hopefully the rest of my family will immigrate to the United States. I believe that Barack Obama is a preferable candidate towards the issue of immigration than John McCain. John McCain believes that the only reason that people come into this country is to commit an illegal crime. He believes that the only people that came to this country illegally and did not commit a crime was his own family several generations ago. Most people come into this country illegally is to start a new life right away. The only thing that Obama and McCain agree on is that the border around the United States should be in tacked. Barack Obama claims that anyone caught illegally in the United States will be entitled to a residency or a citizenship, unless that person had committed an illegal crime while illegally in this country he or she will be deported within 24 hours. Thats why I believe that Barack Obama is a better candidate in the issue of immigration. I support Senator Obama all the way.

adam romy said...

A campain that interests me is the war in Iraq. If senator Obama is elected he will stop the war. The soldiers will cease to be deceased (stop to die). The returning of the troops will be a 1-2 month period. Money will stop going to war and start going to other important places. . Schools can get better text books, computers, and teachers can get raises. It can go to scientific exploration. It can go to many different places. So if senator Obama is elected then it would be a win-win situation, especially for the soldiers and their family.

Joshua Mendes said...

I think that the senator Barack Obama should win the election. The war in Iraq is one of the greatest points of disagreement between John McCain and Barack Obama. If he wins, he promises that he would withdraw all combat brigades during first 16 months in office. He also said that he would temporarily keep a much smaller "residual" force there to fight terrorists, but no permanent bases. Finally, the candidates strongly disagree on how to interact with Iraq's neighbors, especially Iran and Syria: Obama would engage them in diplomatic talks to work towards stability in Iraq. If Barack Obama would win he should do what he promises and if he does America would become a very better place.

Joseph Bocchino said...

I believe that Barack Obama should win. It will give five million new jobs. It is all part of an energy plan. In 2012 ten percent of our electricity used will have been reusable. By 2025 twenty five percent would have been from renewable sources. It helps our environment because we will have basically not have used thirty five percent of our electricity that isn’t reusable by 2025. This plan also will help us use less gas but it will still cost the same amount. On the other hand Hillary and Barrack both promised lower gas prices in ads.

Emily Lau said...

Barack Obama wants to help people get out of poverty. To help these fellow Americans, Obama plans to donate $1 billion dollars to groups that will help people learn about succession of jobs. Also, Obama will give a $500 dollar tax credit to Americans that make low and middle income people. To the seniors that have retired, Obama plans to eliminate taxes to the seniors that make under $50,000 each year. To the people that are in prison, Obama will give access to a program that trains you to get a job, and he will give the Americans in jail mental or physical counseling. Obama will also help Americans that are low on income, and he will give them access to transportation. Obama will give jobs to the parents that have 3 children or more, and he will increase the benefits for the children and the parents, and also reduce the EITC marriage penalty.

Andrea Fungueirino said...

"How can a country like this allow it?" This is the question that Senator Bobby Kennedy asked himself in relation to poverty in America. Forty years later, Senator Barack Obama, paraphrased Senator Kennedy by asking America the same question. “How can a country like this allow it? We are talking about the most affluent nation on Earth, where decisions are made that can shape lives and the history. Despite this, there are over 37 million poor Americans. Most Americans living in poverty work, but still cannot afford to make ends meet. Senator Obama has always shown great interest in the low-income Americans. He actually states that the poverty he has seen in many parts of the nation “is the cause that led him to a life of public service almost twenty-years ago” as a community organizer helping people that were struggling. He even goes further saying that “we can’t allow this kind of suffering and hopelessness to exist in our country. We can’t afford to lose a generation of tomorrow’s doctors and scientist and teachers to poverty. We can make excuses for it or we can fight about it or we can ignore poverty altogether, but as long as it’s here it will always be a betrayal of the ideals we hold as Americans. It’s not who we are”.
Obama’s plan for ending poverty includes investing one billion dollars over five years in career programs that can help low-income Americans succeed in finding jobs. He also believes that people who work full time should not live in poverty. His intention is to raise the minimum wage progressively to get to $9.50 an hour by the year 2011 so full-time workers can raise their families and pay for basic needs such as food, transportation and housing, things so many people take for granted. Finally, he will create 20 Promise Neighborhood in areas that have high levels of poverty and crime and low levels of student academic achievement in cities across the nation. This program will be modeled after the Harlem Children’s Zone, which provides services such as early childhood education, youth violence prevention and after school activities to an entire neighborhood from birth to college.
Let´s hope that after November fourth these big words about poverty become facts.

Informaiton from:

vlad shknevskiy said...

The economy in America is lowering, and if we want to raise it we have to vote for John McCain. He is going to support the small businesses. He is also going to make the taxes simpler and fairer. The tax rate is 35% and he’s going to cut the tax rate to 25%. And very importantly, he is going to lower the health care plan so that American has a chance to get insurance. He is planning to raise the value of a dollar, therefore lowering the gas prices and food and everything else. There will be lower income tax, and it will be cheaper to live in a house or apartment. He will also make more small businesses so that other people have a chance. That is why McCain is a good choice for economical terms.

Mohamed Elsaid said...

Presidential Campaign for 2008:
The issue that interests me for this campaign is Education especially how Barack Obama wants to address the No Child Left Behind Program. He is ensuring that all children can meet high standards in education. However, unfilled funding promises that they will help the children to succeed, but the current government hasn’t done that. One problem is that the No Child Left Behind has spent too much time preparing students for tests that don’t provide any value, timely feedback on how to improve student’s learning. He supports that we need tests and measurements that should ensure they are useful to improve student’s learning. He also suggests that we should provide educators and students with timely feed back about how to improve students performance; measure readiness for college and success in the workplace by testing reading comprehension, writing skills, and other critical thinking skills; indicate whether individual students are actually making progress toward reaching high standards. Good teachers with the tools to do their jobs should not have to teach only for the test. They should be able to teach a rich curriculum.

I would like to see that his plan is working when Barack Obama becomes our new president, and as he promised that our schools should help students take their place as committed and engaged citizens. Obama believes that we must equipped poor and struggling districts both rural and urban; with the support and resources they need to provide disadvantaged students with an opportunity to reach their potential.

Mark Zubok said...

The United States is at an economic crisis. In November John McCain and Barrack Obama will collide in the Presidential Elections. John McCain has a strict view on the economy. He supports small businesses. John McCain's Lexington Project will address the rising costs of energy that are hurting small businesses. He strongly supports increased domestic exploration of oil and natural gas. This will send a strong signal to oil markets that future supplies will be more plentiful, countering the rise in oil prices. He also believes in simpler and fairer taxes. An example of these taxes would be to cut the Corporate Tax Rate from 35 to 25 Percent, therefore making it essential to keep and create useful and paying jobs. John McCain will ban new cell phone taxes, on cell phone email and applications. He also has an entirely different view on healthcare than Barrack Obama. John McCain believes that drugs should cost less, John McCain will look to bring greater affordability and competition to our drug markets through safe re-importation of drugs and faster introduction of generic drugs. John McCain will reform health care making it easier for individuals and families to obtain insurance. John McCain will help rebuild our economy when elected.

Viki M. said...

A presidential campaign issue that interests me is global warming. If we don’t save the earth from global warming, then there won't be anything left to protect, right? I think Barack Obama’s global warming plan is a good way to help reduce/prevent global warming. Obama’s plan seems very convincing to save the earth, well to me it does. If we do reduce the pollution in our atmosphere by taking out some carbon from fuels, that is bound to be a superior way to save our rottening planet! Or at least preserve it.
“This is our generation’s moment to save future generations from global catastrophe by creating a market for clean-burning fuels that can stop the dangerous transformation of our climate,” said Obama. “In states like New Hampshire and California, people are taking the lead on producing fuels that use less carbon. It’s time we made this a national commitment to reduce our dependence on foreign oil and take the equivalent of 32 million cars’ worth of pollution out of the atmosphere.” This is a statement straight from Obama’s plan, if you don’t think that 32 MILLION cars’ won’t save (or at least help) our world, then your weird!! Thank you for reading, this is the end of my presentation......or paragraph.

Jennifer L. said...

Barack Obama has a firm energy plan for the future. His plan will help create five million new jobs. It will ensure that 10 percent of our electricity comes from renewable sources by 2012 and 25 percent by 2025 and hopefully within 10 years save more oil than we currently import from the Middle East and Venezuela combined. It will make America a leader of climate change. What it doesn't bring, however, is gas price relief. Barack Obama's plan does not include lowering gas prices. Both he and Clinton mislead people with ads stating prices would be lowered when he becomes president.
You can go to, Issues, Energy & Environment and see what Barack Obama will do about global warming. You can also go to and search Obama on global warming. Then, three articles will appear. The first article will say “An RNC ad claims Obama has "no new solutions" to the energy problem, when he actually proposes $150 billion worth." The second article will say something useless about John McCain, but the third article will say "Clinton, Obama both mislead with ads promising gas price relief."

eric baron said...

The presidential issue that i think is one of the most important issues is immigration. So many people in our country are illegal here. so they dont pay taxes. I want Barack Obama to win because he will secure our border more and make our country a safer place. According to Vlad Mccain is going to lower the taxes. That is a good thing for citizens but gives illegal immigrates a big advantage.