In the last two web logs many students have written about greed, in class Yanek asked, "How much is enough?" This week we are going to take a jump from American History back into current events, you may find a connection.
In class you have been given two readings about Obama's proposals, which proposals do you think are most important and why. Do you have any other proposals for easing the economic crisis?
Your task for this web log is to draft a letter to the president-elect on the proposal that you favor (either Obama's, your own, or another student's).
After next week's revisions you are invited to prepare a final copy for mailing to president-elect Obama.
Monday, November 24, 2008
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President elect Barack Obama has a tough job to do when his term of presidency begins. He must find a way to strengthen our economy to a point where we no longer owe money to other countries, but continue to give aid to other countries in large amounts, like when Bill Clinton was our president. Barack Obama stated in his speech regarding our economy that he will lower taxes and will provide 95% of working families the tax relief they need (Barack However, according to my research, this is more the job of congress since the system of checks and balances restrains our presidents from having too much power in order to keep our government a democracy and not a monarchy. Mr. Obama said he would also put an end to all capital gains in order to create more job opportunities considering thousands of people have lost their jobs due to the stock market crash. President-elect Barack Obama also stated he would give a $1,000 energy rebate for people of need. Mr.Obama is looking into the future of science, hoping to create jobs that involve researching into greenhouse technologies. Our future president seems as though he is equipping himself for fixing the economy. We will just have to wait and see.
Like Yaneev said, Barack Obama will have a lot of things to do when he begins his term as president. He will have to think about ways to help the economic problem. Barack Obama wants to allow Americans to borrow money from retirement savings without a tax penalty, he will also eliminate income taxes on unemployment benefits, he will expand government guarantees that the government has given to automakers, and more. All of these things are good for the economy because they all either encourage or help unemployed people to get jobs because it’s helping them adjust to their new economic situation. He is reducing or eliminating taxes for people who are in desperate need of money by reducing certain taxes. People who lost their jobs or a lot of money wouldn’t have to lose more money because of taxes. The best thing that Obama can do to help the economy is to lower certain taxes for people who are most affected by the crisis.
Dear President Obama,
I know you are very busy with a lot of things when your term of presidency begins, but we need a lot of help with our economy. You can’t let automakers and buisnesses go to bankruptcy. You can’t let working pepole lose there jobs. We need more proposals. I’m not saying your other proposals weren’t good enough, but we need to improve them. For example, restoring fairness to the tax code and provide 95 percent of working Americans the tax relief they need by creating tax credits of up to $500 per person, or $1,000 per working family. Allowing Americans to borrow from their retirement savings and eliminating taxes on unemployment benefits. What we really need instead of just making people not pay tax if they are unemployed, is to find a job for them. And when they make enough pay they can pay low taxes. Then, the higher they get paid they can pay higher taxes. So, instead of making peoples lives harder you can improve it and make them successful.
You can also make more trades with countries we owe money to. Like China, if we get loans from them,you can pay them back in goods. For example, spices and meterials. I know that we will not cover all of what we owe them but we can save money that way.
Just saying that you will fix the economy dosen’t mean that you can do it 100%. But all Americans are with you and we believe in you. So, if you want to get re-elected again in 2012, you should do as much as you can to help our economy.
Mohamed Elsaid
Dear president Obama,
Our nation's financial and economic crisis is one of our main problems in society. Our jobs, credit, and home foreclosures are rapidly decreasing in a very affective way. In between January and September, about 760,000 Americans have lost their jobs. Why? This is because our spendings make up more than 70% of the American economic activity. Many of us are planning on saving money to preserve it so we can purchase our wants in the future. This means that we are not purchasing the inventory in businesses like we used to. Businesses will make less money and that would cut back on the limit of working hours or maybe even job loss. Without our jobs, we would soon lose our homes and the next thing you know is that you're living on the streets. When businesses lose their money, it affects that whole entire business of the area. In the area, political services would also be affected. Street cleaning, libraries, police service, fire departments and more would not be able to put as much effort in as possible. This also affects us. People in crimes and dangers of fire would not be able to be saved as quickly. Street cleaning would leave us with too much garbage in the area. This leads to pollution. Our health would not be as good as before. Also, if we have garbage scattered on the grounds, we would have fines on keeping the area clean. It all ends up on having us paying fines again! Although some advantages are raised like the lower use of oil from money saving in vehicles, we still have our difficulties. Loans are to encourage us but we are uncertain in the areas of trust, confidence and fear. One factor can affect many others.
We can try to break this cycle of financial and economic crisis. You have proposed many helping factors that would end financial and economic crisis. You have proposed that a 3,000 dollar tax credit would be given for employees for each new person they hire in the business. This could encourage the business in job creation. You have also proposed to let us get loans without tax penalties. I think this is the most important and most clever proposal. People would be more willing and free to get loans without worrying too much. Less pressure would be put on us. I agree to your current claim on "no plans to change" in the repeal of the Bush tax cuts for Americans with incomes of 250,000 dollars or more and tax cuts for people who make less. I believe that this is fair. I am most grateful for your concern of the "breakdown of an entire system." I am hoping that you can unite us again as one powerful and fair nation.
I, myself, have an idea that I would like to share that would probably end our nation in our financial and economic crisis. I think that the reason why we are not purchasing inventory, homes, and items from businesses is because our income does not supply us with enough money. Not every family is little. Some of us have a great amount of people in a household. In this case, both government and us can attribute to this problem. The government can increase our income by a little bit more. We can have more people in our family work. This way, we would be able to purchase our items and we would be more successful in our economy. My concerns in our financial and economic crisis are as important as everyone else's. Let this crisis end!
President Elect, Mr. Barack Obama has to help America with its troubled economy when he goes into office. We want America to be relieved from all of our debts and we want most of the unemployed citizens to be employed. We can't afford for all of these businesses and schools to have budget cuts that are just increasing the amount of people not being employed. Obama wants a 90 day moratorium on most home foreclosures so in that amount of time, the people whose homes are going to be foreclosed, should be able to get the certain amount of money they owe in that time. There is nothing the government can do so if you don't have the money, you shouldn't have that house or you need to find a better job.
He also wants to double $50 billion in loan guarantees that the government has given to automakers. Instead of focusing on the newest cars, we should focus on the loans the government wants to give to the people so they can pay off their debts. He wants us [Americans] to borrow from our retirement savings without a tax penalty. Not everybody can pay their bills so if you have to get money, you can get it from your retirement savings, without an additional fee. Obama also wants to eliminate income taxes on unemployment benefits. These are just a few things that President Elect Barack Obama can help our country with the terrible economic situation we have.
President elect Barack Obama must improve our economy when he is sworn into office. I agree with Barack’s proposals. It will cost $175 billion dollars. I think if it will improve the economy, it is worth a shot. His plans will provide 95% of working families’ tax relief. According to Barack Obama, he must get the economy to a certain point where we will not owe money to other countries. He also said that a $1,000 rebate will be given to needy people. He will also create jobs by taking away capital gains in banks to create more jobs. He also will make jobs by making different jobs that focus mainly on the science of greenhouse technology. I think if Barack Obama is willing to put the effort in to save our economy, I think we should give it a chance. All we can do is hope for the best from our new president, Barack Obama.
President Barack Obama wants to find a way to help grow our economy when his presidency starts. He wants to owe no debts to other countries. He also wants to help us by not making unemployment pay income taxes. Obama wants to help encourage people to get jobs. It seems like Obama has a lot of ideas for our suffering economy. Obama also states that he will lower taxation, which we all know is a big relief to all of us. Obama will be helping the people that have lost their jobs due to the stock market crashing. He also said that he would be giving a 1,000-dollar rebate to the people in need of money.
Dear President Elect Barack Obama,
The American economy seems to be plunging into crisis! Since consumer spending makes up more than 70 percent of American economic activity, the economy shrank when consumer spending finally dipped. Apparently, people are trying to save up money to pay back their loans and bills. They have stopped buying items that are not necessary. This, however, has pulled America into an economic nightmare. Because people have stopped buying unnecessary items, businesses are losing business. Without those purchases those people used to make, those businesses have to cut back on the salaries of their workers. With less money, the workers can’t afford to buy more purchases. This all ends with the businesses losing so much business, they can’t afford any salaries at all and finally go out of business. You see, with no pay, no one can afford any purchases.
The economy is contracting! And whenever the economy contracts, there are consequences. One of the consequences is the 760,000 Americans who lost their jobs between January and September. Another consequence was the hundreds of thousands of people that lost their homes due to foreclosure. The economy has shrunken so much that 107,000 people out of that hundreds of thousands lost their homes to foreclosure in September alone!
Since you say that “George bush has dug a deep hole for us,” your proposals will hopefully “help dig us out of that deep hole.” One of your proposals is to create a $3,000 tax credit for employers for each new person they hire. This will surely help promote employment and help the economy. Your 90-day moratium on most home foreclosures proposal is specifically aimed to help homeowners in trouble, and will help the economy as well. One proposal that I might add is to stop deregulation. One of the reasons why America’s living in this economic nightmare is deregulation. Banks had started to give out loans to just anybody, not caring if they would be paid back because they could just “bundle up” the loans up and sell them to other banks. The banks would sell the loans to each other and make a profit off them. After the loans had been sold so many times, they were valueless and useless. This caused the banks to go bankrupt and close, taking all the money they had stored with them. Well, anyway, America should stop living this economic nightmare! Your proposals must improve the economy when you are sworn into office or America’s economy will remain in crisis!
Jennifer Lauv
Dear President-Elect Obama,
My name is Genna L. of class 723 in Cunningham. In my social studies class we are learning about the U.S. economy and its downfall. The proposal that I favor and think will get the United States out if its economic crisis is one of yours. I think your proposal to enable the U.S. Treasury and the Federal Reserve to lend money to city and state governments is excellent.
If city and state governments have money, they can build libraries, schools, roads, bridges, and tunnels. My teacher states that the economy is based on people consuming, distributing, servicing, producing, and buying. Well, your plan will help more people to be able to do this. By creating libraries, schools, roads, bridges, and tunnels, the city and state governments are also creating jobs.
The libraries need librarians, the schools need teachers, and construction workers are needed to build roads, tunnels, schools, libraries, and bridges. All of the workers will get paid, and with that money they will make purchases from businesses. These businesses will then be able to grow and flourish. Lastly, you will be making the city and state citizens more educated with the schools and libraries. The citizens may be able to think of more ways to save the economy because of this. For all these reasons, I think you should put this proposal/plan into action immediately as soon as you’re president.
Genna L.
Dear President Elect Barack Obama,
The America economy seems to be falling into the wrong direction. People of America are starting to purchase less and less frequently. Sadly, 70% of our economic activity involves consumer spending money on merchandises. Because of this, our economic is falling into crisis. Since people are starting to spend less money on unnecessary items, businesses are losing business. In class, we have learnt that this becomes a cycle called Capitalism. Since businesses are losing business, they have to cut back salary, making workers buy less merchandise, and this cycle repeats.
You say that you will help the economy by helping encouraging people to get jobs and by lowering taxation. I think all these are great ideas. The proposal that I favor the most is the U.S. Treasury and the Federal Reserve to lend money to city and state government. I agree with my fellow classmate, Genna, which by encouraging students to have a better education can help restore our economy in the future.
Jocelyn Chiu
Dear Mr. Obama,
I would like to congratulate you on your recent election. I am delighted you are going to be our next president but I understand you have a great responsibility ahead of you.
As you are very aware the main problem you will have to face is the economic crisis. Throughout your campaign you very often talked about the low-income families and what measures to take to help them. Now these families need even a greater help to make ends meet since they are most strongly affected by this crisis.
I find your proposals very agreeable and, if they are fulfilled, very beneficial for the activation of the United States’ economy. Firstly pressure needs to be taken off people with lower incomes. This would allow them to have some extra money to pay off their loans and to buy goods. The moment the consumer starts buying goods the industrial and economic industries will take off again. Here we need to mention the retired and unemployed people. The retirees need to be able to use their savings without any tax penalty and the unemployed shouldn’t have their unemployment benefits taxed.
At the same time if employers are given an extra three thousand dollars in tax credit for each new person they hire, unemployment will be promoted and there will be less people out of jobs paying taxes and spending money, in other words, helping economy to keep moving forward.
Concerning home loans and mortgages it is very unfair that home owners are paying for the malpractice of banks and financial institutions. According to the economist Peter Galbraith, a professor at the University of Texas, “We’ve seen a breakdown of an entire system. The consequence of the failure of regulation, of supervision of the banking system over the past eight years, has been to cause a collapse of trust, a poisoning of the well”. Banks have lost their reliability and Americans have no faith in the system as keepers of their savings and providers of reasonable loans. It is illogical to let banks to make money by foreclosing on homeowners who are making payments even if they are not paying the full amount.
Another proposal I agree with you is enabling the U.S. Treasury and the Federal Reserve to lend money to city and state governments. Many services depend on this money and if it is cut off the citizens will be the first ones to suffer it. We are talking about education, security, hospitals and so on.
I left last your proposal on doubling loans guarantees for the automaker industry. I understand that the automobile industry is very important for the economy and many people and jobs depend on it. But I do not think they are doing a good job. When I look around on my way to school I see that practically a seventy five percent of the cars are Japanese makes. I guess if most of Americans are buying cars other than American makes, this has to make automobile managers think why. They should reduce prices and make better cars.
I hope you appreciate my comments.
Andrea Fungueiriño
Dear President Elect Barack Obama,
Our economy has been going down the wrong path. If our country continues the cycle of capitalism, we will probably be heading to an even bigger downfall than we are already experiencing. Miserably, 70% of our economic activity involves consumer spending money on merchandises. People are starting to spend less money on unnecessary items, resulting in businesses going out of business. Since businesses are going out of business now businesses have to cut back salary, making workers buy less merchandise.
You have said that you will help the economy by proposing, a 90-day moratorium on most home foreclosures, eliminating income taxes on unemployment benefits, etc. The proposal that you made which I favor the most is a $3,000 tax credit fro employers for each new person they hire – a measure intended to encourage job creation. I assume that this will without doubt help promote employment and help the economy.
Justin Martinelli
Dear president Obama,
Although your the president and you may think that it's all great, you will have to take huge respondsibilitys. Through out these years, economy has gone down
and people are losing their jobs. You can't let that happen? What happens when they get over dept? You can't let that happen. Education will have cuts, police will have cuts, and even garbage cleaners will have cuts. Although the decreasing for gas price is a good thing, if people continue to buy from the stock market for car loan, nobody will know what will happen to the stock market. If there will be too much cuts, then our education will start collapsing. We will have less of everything such as books and pencils. Also, teachers will have to be paid more which is bad for students. Some advices ,Obama, is pay more money for our education, pay less money for newcoming job workers, make the tax-credit less such as 1500$ or less. Also, you should make an loaning service that helps people in dept and the money to be payed back with half their income and the other half by the government. That will help more people when they are in trouble with money. Changes like this should be made president Obama. I hope this should tell you how hard things are going to be being an president and how you started with an bad beginning, the economic crisis.
Victor Yu
Dear President Barak Obama,
As becoming the new president of the United States, you are given many tasks and favors from the people of America. One major crisis is our economy. Our economy is becoming weaker by every minute and many people are loosing their jobs. The taxes have been increasing and all of our jobs are dissappearing. This has become one of our biggest problems and we all are hoping that you find a way to fix it.
Many companies and buisnesses are going into bankruptcy. Between the months January and September a total of 760,000 people lost their jobs. This all is happening because Americans have decided to cut back on their purchases which means that buisnesses aren't recieving the money their supposed to. Then many companies start loosing their customers and don't have enough money to pay their workers. This eventually comes to a bad end because many workers are let loose from their jobs and then they can't afford to provide for their families.
If you think about it, it would be a terrible thing if people were to loose their jobs because one of the most important people of each city would be the firemen and the policemen. They do their best to keep our envionment a safe place and if our entire economy comes to a bankruptcy we won't be safe anymore. Anyones life could be in danger. All people have different salaries and one way Mr. Obama is going to help us is by decreasing our taxes 95%. People that make under 250,000 a year would pay much less than people that actually make 250,000 a year. This is going to help the United States become a better place to live because families won't end up living on the streets. People would get their jobs back and the heros of our nation will always keep on protecting us. I hope that soon all the problems will be fixed and every damage repaired. America is known is be one of the best countries in the world and I am sure that President Barak Obama will make us all the best once again.
Dear Mr. Obama,
Our economy is falling into the wrong direction.In our economy we have a cycle. The bad part about our economy's cycle is that everything depends on one another. If our economy continues this cycle many people are going to lose their jobs and companies/businesses will be bankrupt. You said that a 3,000 tax credit will be giving to employers for each new person they hire. He will allow Americans to borrow their retirement savings without a tax penalty.. He will eliminate income taxes in unemployment benefits. You better do something our economy is going to be destroyed.
Dear President-Elect Barack Obama,
First of all, I would like to congratulate you on your winning the election in November. I’d like to let you know that after I read your platform, I immediately wanted you to be our next president. I hope that you will have success in controlling America and that you will fulfill all of the American dreams.
I favor all of your proposals, but I do have a few comments on America’s huge economic crisis. Everyone is concerned about the economy and their future, and we hope that someone could save the world. There have been reports that the economy contracts from July to September. Because of people overspending, the economy is decreasing for the first time in 17 years. Research shows that consumer spending makes up more than 70 percent of the American economic activities. As a result, President Obama, we hope that you would be the person to help us!
The endless cycle of capitalism is invading the world and causing big problems and chaos. It is also creating great problems for the rest of the world and the economy is contracting. Whenever the economy contracts, there are many consequences. For example, many people loose their jobs at Lehman Brothers. As you already know, this was a very famous investment-banking firm, which was forced out of business, thanks to their debts. Also, 760,000 Americans lost their jobs in the year of 2008 (between this January and September). As you are well informed of, hundreds of thousands of people have lost their homes to foreclosure. The worst part is that 107,000 homes were lost only in September.
People are having big problems. Since there are many stores, people are attracted to the riches of them. Examples of these stores are clothing stores. Ideas have risen that people should stop enjoying and spending money on unnecessary things and focusing on the necessary items, such as food. However, let’s look at the outcome of this proposal. If people buy and spend less in clothing stores, the salespeople will make less money. Then, they will realize that all of their supplies are wasted and as a result, the people that work in these stores focus on buying less inventory. Also, managers will cut the workers’ business hours and maybe, they will have to fire them or close down their once- thriving business. This will only happen as a result of barely any products of money. The salespeople are going to suffer because of less salary and no jobs. Therefore, this can’t be a possible solution. This is an example of economy contracting and people getting back to where they started before.
Consumer spending is decreasing because many people have less money to spend (because many businesses are going bankrupt). Also, the people who have money are being more conservative with it.
Now, people are relying on the government to bail them out, such as lending money to pay for debts. In addition, the government lends the bank money, and therefore, the workers there feel more confident to lend money to their customers. For example, every bank in Iceland declared bankruptcy this year. As you are probably aware of, uncertainty leads to the loss of trust, confidence, and fear. Because people are unsure that they have enough money to pay for their debts, they ask higher forces for help, such as the bank. The main key to being successful is to be confident in yourself.
The proposal that I think would be beneficial for the American economy are allowing Americans to borrow from their pensions, without tax penalties. Therefore, more people would save money and would afford much more than they expected.
Moreover, another proposal of yours that I think would improve the economy is enabling the U.S. Treasury and the Federal Reserve to lend money to the city and the state governments. The government gathers money (taxes) from the people, so they should combine it in order to keep businesses thriving.
Lastly, one of the other proposals that I agree with you is to ban the financial institutions from foreclosing the owners of houses, even if they are making some payment. I agree with you on the idea completely because if people can’t succeed on their jobs, it isn’t fair to punish them.
I hope that you are going to have a successful time taking care of America during your four-year term. The people of America look up to you to solve our problems. Expect leadership, effort, executive orders, legislative proposals, promptness, and effectiveness, especially on jobs, credit, and home foreclosures. Everyone is counting on you and your inspiring ideas. Let your thoughts be made into actions and let this crisis end!
Anna Kapitman
President Barack Obama wants to find a way to help grow our economy when his presidency starts. He wants to owe no debts to other countries. He also wants to help us by not making unemployment pay income taxes. Obama wants to help encourage people to get jobs. It seems like Obama has a lot of ideas for our suffering economy. Obama also states that he will lower taxation, which we all know is a big relief to all of us. Obama will be helping the people that have lost their jobs due to the stock market crashing. He also said that he would be giving a 1,000-dollar rebate to the people in need of money.
Dear President-elect Obama, Congratulations on your victory!!! You've destroyed the final race barrier that exists in this country, and that is a great feat.
Obviously, you have a lot of work to do, and I have a suggestions about how you can handle this. First, i think that you should set a timetable for pulling troops out of the Middle East. This war has been raging since 2003 and we are sick and tired of it. Also, the eyes of the American people are on a failing economy. I suggest that you open factrories that make goods just like in the old days. This way we won't have to buy from China. This will also create more jobs for the American workforce. Doing this won't won't be easy but I believe in you. You'll have to blow everyone away if you want re-election in 2012. I know you can get the job done.
Justin Francis
President elect Barack Obama has a tough job to do when his term of presidency begins. He has to strengthen our economy. Automakers and businesses are going into bankruptcy while millions of people are losing their jobs. We can’t and shouldn’t go any longer like this. Luckily, Obama has plans for the future. Although it will cost $175 billion dollars, I think it will improve the economy. His plans will provide 95% of working families’ tax relief. According to Barack Obama, he must get the economy to a certain point where we will not owe money to other countries. He also said that a $1,000 rebate will be given to needy people. Not only will he do that, but he will also create more jobs. So if he is willing to save our economy’s downfall, I think that we should give him a chance.
Dear President Obama,
I understand that you are very consumed with all of your priorities and delegations but our economy needs serious help .If you let automakers and businesses go to bankrupt our profits will actually decrease and many of the American dreams will be lost. Working people will lose their jobs. We need more enriched and conjugated proposals. This does not mean in any way that your other proposals weren’t rich enough, but we must improve them. One proposal could be, restoring fairness to the tax code .Providing at least a 95 percent of tax relief the American people need by creating tax credits of up to $500 per person, or $1,000 per working family. Allowing Americans to borrow from their retirement funds and eliminating taxes on unemployment benefits. We need to create new fulfilling jobs that would be both paying and assured to the American citizens. By the time most of these people work for 6 months they will pay small but fulfilling taxes. Make people successful and happy crate more jobs.
So please Mr. Obama, President Elect Obama, help us make the America people dreamed of in their wildest fantasies. You are the only person who can do anything to help our economy, Barrack Hussein Obama I ask of you to help our people.
Mark Tverskoy
Dear President Obama,
I understand that you are very consumed with all of your priorities and delegations but our economy needs serious help .If you let automakers and businesses go to bankrupt our profits will actually decrease and many of the American dreams will be lost. Working people will lose their jobs. We need more enriched and conjugated proposals. This does not mean in any way that your other proposals weren’t rich enough, but we must improve them. One proposal could be, restoring fairness to the tax code .Providing at least a 95 percent of tax relief the American people need by creating tax credits of up to $500 per person, or $1,000 per working family. Allowing Americans to borrow from their retirement funds and eliminating taxes on unemployment benefits. We need to create new fulfilling jobs that would be both paying and assured to the American citizens. By the time most of these people work for 6 months they will pay small but fulfilling taxes. Make people successful and happy crate more jobs.
So please Mr. Obama, President Elect Obama, help us make the America people dreamed of in their wildest fantasies. You are the only person who can do anything to help our economy, Barrack Hussein Obama I ask of you to help our people.
Mark Tverskoy
Dear (soon to be) President Obama,
Our economy is gonna go down the drain if we don't get help soon! There are many problems in our economy like how certain countries are in debt or how a lot of people are losing their jobs. If there aren't working people then they don't have money to buy food or pay for rents and stuff and this would cause a HUGE problem or at least a downfall in out community and economy. Another problem our community is facing is the budget cuts. Schools can't have budget cut because if they do, then they can't actually fulfill there duty at teaching if they wouldn't have the money to buy the proper equipment.
Dear President- Elect Barak Obama,
As becoming the new president of the United States, you are going to be given many tasks from the people of America. One major crisis that you must handle is our economy. Our economy is becoming weaker and weaker by every minute and many people are loosing their jobs. The taxes have been increasing and all of our jobs are dissappearing. This has become one of our biggest problems and we all are hoping that you find a way to fix it.
Many companies and buisnesses are going into bankruptcy. Between the months January and September a total of 760,000 people lost their jobs. This all is happening because Americans have decided to cut back on their purchases which means that buisnesses aren't recieving the money their supposed to. Therefore many companies start loosing their customers and don't have enough money to pay their workers. This eventually comes to a bad end because many workers are let loose from their jobs and then they can't afford to provide food and shelter for their families.
If you think about it, it would be a terrible thing if people were to loose their jobs because one of the most important people of each city would be the firemen and the policemen. They do their best to keep our envionment a safe place and if our entire economy comes to a bankruptcy we won't be safe anymore. Everyone's life could be in danger. All people have different salaries and one way you should help us is by decreasing our taxes 95%. People that make under 250,000 a year would pay much less than people that actually make 250,000 a year. This is going to help the United States become a better place to live because families won't end up living on the streets. People would get their jobs back and the heros of our nation will always keep on protecting us. I hope that soon all the problems will be fixed and every damage repaired. America is known is be one of the best countries in the world and I am sure that you as President Barak Obama will make us all, make America the best, once again.
Mansi Maini
President Elect Obama has a handful to do. Mostly about the crisis in our economical state. He has to find a way where we no longer owe money to other countries and states, and maybe lowering the taxes will be nice. But to clear U.S.A's debt it will cost like 100 million to 200 as much. This is unlikely to think he will do this. President Elect Obama has a lot of stuff to do.
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